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Spring Clean Challenge Giger's Genestealers

Spring Clean Challenge Giger's Genestealers

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The Art of Dispair - mental health issues

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7

These posts are lagging behind now because this project started to damage my mental health. It’s a weird admission to make, but in a world that is so toxic to our souls the failures I was having with this project were the straw that broke the camels back.

I was so keen to start this project, but it didn’t go the way I wanted to. The models just didn’t work the way I thought they would, and now my escapism was starting to cause me more anxiety.  I knew I had to step away.  Admitting defeat is a hard thing to do, but I had to retreat and regroup.

Artist - Unknown Artist - Unknown

So I stood away from the project and after a short break, I desided to return… Ironically it was my daughter asking to play space hulk that was the catalyst…

My first step was to update this blog again. The complementary comments helped me to get back to painting again and going through the stages again helped me focus on what was happening with the models.

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Cult of Games Member

Don’t worry about the wait between posts. It’s honestly some of the issues I have with my own work sometimes. I’m glad you got the gentle nudge to return to the hobby in the best way possible. Think of all this as just a short stop over on a long hike. If it helps, try not to think of the next hike as you spot your next shiny thing ?

Cult of Games Member

You do you, good sir, we’re all happy to wait and see what wonders you produce. Take care of yourself and don’t stress. Playing/building/painting should be fun. I have a load of projects on the go drop in and out when I get a chance. It’s my project, my de-stressor and view it as such. If people get some help/advice from it all the good. But I just play with it and not go blind…..

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