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Operation Market Garden - 80th Anniversary

Operation Market Garden - 80th Anniversary

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Savage Ambush at Xuan Dai (1968 Vietnam): 15mm Wargame - “Tactical Combat”

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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It’s time to go “in country” for a Vietnam War scenario in Mark Mitchie’s 15mm “Tactical Combat game system.  This is the Battle at Xuan Dai, part of what would very soon become Operation “Allen Brook” at Go Noi Island, Quang Nam province.

Elements of 2/7 Marines (reinforced by a platoon of 5th Marine Tank Battalion) have crossed “Liberty Bridge” onto Go Noi Island, intent on clearing this area once and for all.  They’re going to run into a carefully-laid ambush and vicious defense mounted by elements of 36th Regiment, 308th NVA Division and 44th Headquarters group, main force Viet Cong.

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