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Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh

Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh

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Remembering my colour Scheme & Structure

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 4
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My biggest job was working out my where I was upto all those years ago and getting organise to refresh and complete my Tau. The last thing I did was buy plenty of my original GW colours just before the big paint reinvention they did years back.

so I have lots of my colours, I luckily many have survived without drying up.

My basic scheme starts with a black undercoat.

My Tau skin is a mix of elf flesh and shadow grey that has somehow survived in its tiny mixing pot all these years! With mechrite red from citadel foundation for the eyes.

Vomit Brown and Red Gore are my basic colours, then I get fancy with certain colours and markings to help distinguish rank and unit type.

Fire warrior Squads, basic Crisis suits & basic drone squads stick to the core colours. With simple lines to denote Squad numbers.

Kroot have green markings.

Ethereals and top command units have Purple added.

Tanks and Broadsides have Golden Yellow added.

Stealth Suits have yellow, red and basic colours in their extra special camo.

Pathfinders have the yellow, and red of previous units plus blazing orange.

My Air Caste have orange jumpsuits and blue armour. Aircraft will have the addition of blue to the basics.

Remembering my colour Scheme & Structure

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