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New Blood: Part 04 - Conversions

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 12

Hi everyone,

I have finished up some conversions for my French team.  During play, I found that two sappers are better than one. Also, I wanted another Imperial Guard veteran to match the one I already converted.

While I was at it, I also converted up a doctor which I don’t have and another supernatural investigator which I can use with any force. There is a French doctor in the 2nd French set, but I do not intend to buy it since I have all I need now for the French.

A Guard, a Sapper, a Supernatural Investigator and a Doctor.A Guard, a Sapper, a Supernatural Investigator and a Doctor.
A Lloyd shot.A Lloyd shot.
A doctor's bag buit from scratch from a piece of sprue.A doctor's bag buit from scratch from a piece of sprue.

All the miniatures come from Victrix sprues.  I went with Victrix because they are slightly larger and fit in better with the metal miniatures.

The most work went into the Doctor miniature.  I had to scrap off nearly all his clothes in order to add the new stuff on.  His bag was super fiddle to make, but in the end I managed to get a good likeness using a piece of sprue as a base.

The twin hand guns on the Supernatural Investigator’s back and the Doctor come from Front Rank Miniatures. The book comes from a Dark Angel’s sprue.

For the Imperial Guard I went with an ahistorical look.  It had to match the first, so I went with some medieval parts.  I also enlarged him slightly to make him a bit more imposing.

The sapper is just a grenadier with and added apron, two-handed axe and some extra height.

That is all for now. Until my next post, stay safe and have fun.


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Cult of Games Member

The Lloyd shot of the doctor makes his hat look like he’s carrying a shovel XD

Cult of Games Member

Really amazing conversions, a truly unique warband.

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