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Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor

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Group Shot

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3

Here’s a group shot of all the finished minis.  I got them together to demo some games over the 4 day weekend, but I seemed to get allergic to something in that room while I was finishing off Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion.  I decided to let the room air and paint instead, but I did get as far as taking this pic.  Dry itchy eyeballs and a runny nose destroyed my motivation.  I’ve had the windows open at all times.  Hopefully that’s cleared the air in there enough?

I’ve the coming week off work and it’s one of my goals to get this game played enough to form an opinion before the kickstarter starts in a few weeks.

Group Shot

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Cult of Games Member

How are you finding the game so far? I just had my cycle 1 game end on turn 42 which was a bit annoying, as skill didn’t really come into it as far as I can tell. Still going to keep playing it though. I need to paint more of the models soon though.

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