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The Garden Gnome

The Garden Gnome

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Painting the Garden Gnome, 28mm Style - Part 2

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The hat was painted using colors progressively from dark read top yellow.The hat was painted using colors progressively from dark read top yellow.
Painting the Garden Gnome, 28mm Style - Part 2
The flesh color was a challenge from scratch and I started with these three colors, then blended up to lighter by adding white.The flesh color was a challenge from scratch and I started with these three colors, then blended up to lighter by adding white.
Painting the Garden Gnome, 28mm Style - Part 2
Painting the Garden Gnome, 28mm Style - Part 2
Painting the Garden Gnome, 28mm Style - Part 2
I painted the eyes using the same approach I use for miniatures, adding more details to the pupils given the ample size.I painted the eyes using the same approach I use for miniatures, adding more details to the pupils given the ample size.
The mushroom was next, adding white dots over the gradient red color.The mushroom was next, adding white dots over the gradient red color.
Stem was painted beige with dark brown recesses and I added slightly darker red circles around the white dots.Stem was painted beige with dark brown recesses and I added slightly darker red circles around the white dots.
Last but not least, the hat decorations were painted using metallic craft colors.Last but not least, the hat decorations were painted using metallic craft colors.
Painting the Garden Gnome, 28mm Style - Part 2

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