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There And Back Again - An OTTer's Journey

There And Back Again - An OTTer's Journey

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Uruk-Hai And Osgiliath Veterans

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Some more miniatures painted up for the forces of Isengard and more…

Enjoyed working on these. Did them during a livestream where you work through old miniatures in your collection.

I have been packing stuff away as I’m moving soon and so these will probably be the last set of miniatures I paint for a little while.

I also did some work on some Osgiliath Veterans so that I can bring my range of Minas Tirith warriors to 500 points.

Again, good fun working on these older metal miniatures. Details can be a bit tough to get out of them sometimes but it was great fun working through them.

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