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Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

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Cherhobog the Black God

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Cherhobog the Black God

I really enjoyed painting this model. Model’s this size seem to be the sweet spot. Big enough to avoid small fiddly areas, but small enough to not take an age to paint.


The skin was painted mournefang brown then washed carroburg crimson, then highlighted a 50:50 mix of mournefang brown and skrag brown, followed by a 50:50 mix of skrag brown and deathclaw brown.


The bandages were painted zandri dust, washed agrax earthshade, then highlighted ushabti brown followed by screaming skull.


The hair was painted rakarth flesh, washed agrax earthshade, then highlighted flayed one flesh followed by pallid wych flesh.


The hors and bones were painted abaddon black, highlighted dawnstone then washed nuln oil.


The metal was painted leadbelcher then washed with nuln oil.


The tongues and eyes were painted khorne red then highlighted evil sunz scarlet.


The base was painted talassar blue then drybrushed with praxeti white. The rim was painted white scar.

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