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Journey to my first tournament - Mortem et Gloriam - 2023-04-01/02 Roll Call 2023 - 28mm Magna - VIKINGS on TOUR!!!

Journey to my first tournament - Mortem et Gloriam - 2023-04-01/02 Roll Call 2023 - 28mm Magna - VIKINGS on TOUR!!!

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Doing the trim on the shields

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
Doing the trim on the shields
Doing the trim on the shields
Doing the trim on the shields
So many still to do, once they're all done I have the joy of cleaning up my crappy painting prior to applying the shield designs. Losing the will to live.... Still so much to doSo many still to do, once they're all done I have the joy of cleaning up my crappy painting prior to applying the shield designs. Losing the will to live.... Still so much to do
Leadbelcher nice dark iron colour -  this now here because Tim (Sundancer) gave out about it being the first imageLeadbelcher nice dark iron colour - this now here because Tim (Sundancer) gave out about it being the first image

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