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Bob's Going 'Nuts'

Bob's Going 'Nuts'

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An unexpected practice

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
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It was as very much a suprise that I got a practice session of the rules system at the weekend. Keith had invited me over for a weekend for a Sharps Practice game…. but on reading the rules the night before suddenly realised that they were set at higher level than the Skirmish level game he wanted…plus he couldn’t find another set in his collection that might cover it…. I rembered that Two Hour Wargames had a freebie version of their Chain Reactio system, so downloaded it and adapted it on the fly to cover the game.

And boy did it… luckily my force of Royal Navy Matelots wasn’t due to come on till later, which left me free to run the rules whilst Keith ran the scenario and run the French. All the other players playing the Allies.

An unexpected practice
An unexpected practice
An unexpected practice

Apologies for no in action photos, but generally I was busy running the rules or laughing at what was a very funny game.

The scenario was a Spanish ‘Lady’ disguised as a French Cantinari , had been travelling the area mapping and plotting all the Frech deployments. She was willing to give this to Wellington  who had dispatched a squad of Light Infantry in disguise to pick it up. They had only a vague description of who the spy was and the officer who was fluent in French (very alo alo French) and Spanish would endeavour to find. In his pick of men was a certain Sgt who was not adverse to permanently borrowing anything that wasn’t nailed down. Wellington had also contacted the Local Spanish Guerilla leader and asked him to set up a diversion in the town, to cover the approach of a Royal Navy Skiff ( my command) who would pick up the Light Infantry at 10am that morning. They though had no idea of the British presence or what they were up to.

What followed eleas a often liberious series of events as the British officer approached various civilians in the town to find out who the spy was, not helped by the fact that the Inn was having a Fiesta and half the town was,  shall we say merry.

The Guerilla’s leader had decided that the best diversion would be to blow up the nearby French hospital ( no pesky Geneva Convention) and had dispatched his best man to that task.

Chain reaction ran most of the combat situations really well, so much so that I got fair no of congratulations for running them so well, plus all liked the system, and we got a conclusion of the game easily within the day

For those wondering what happened . The Spy was eventually after some fairly hilarious incidents with the British Officer,  the Hospital blew up , but a good few minutes after it was fused for, the French Garrison was pretty much wiped out in the ensuing chaos , quite a lot of the local found much of the Town valuables had gone missing. They had watched a Britisg warship arrive on town and pick up a party of brewery delivery men and bugger off, leaving one of the number dead ofrom a firefight with a French Sentry.


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