Star Wars Legion. BigGrim's Ever-Growing Separatist Army!
Never Tell Me The Odds 3! Uh oh!
Well, that was a hell of a lull!
The mojo abruptly left again for a good 6 months. Never Tell Me The Odds 3 is coming this Saturday at the local shop! I need more units for a different army build! As such, I return to my Project Log! YAY!
So, I have a lot of units built with much more waiting in the wings. As such, I have gotten a Super Tactical Droid, a squad of Magnaguard and a box worth of Commando Droids with the main squad armed with Vibro Swords! My main reason for these three units was simple. The core colour is the same.
All three units have been primed Grey Seer. The Super Tactical Droid and Commandos were given a wash of Black Templar before I realised, “This is not Nuln Oil!” D’oh”! Well, I Nulned the Magnaguard.
All would be given a drybrush of Mechanicus Grey, then Grey Seer. That is where we are now. Next, I intend on doing the cloaks of the Magnaguard and Snakebite Leather for the Commando joints and details, so the next update will be soon!
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