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Delving back into Deadzone

Delving back into Deadzone

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Conclusions, and the end of the Deadzone Project

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 8

6th March 2023

Well, it has taken just over four months but I have created plenty of painted terrain, and now have three strike teams painted (had a small Forge Father group painted before).

I am happy with most aspects of the project overall.

During the terrain painting phase I tried out several techniques that I hadn’t done before – sponge weathering, paint pen highlighting, large area mixed washes. Personally I feel they worked pretty well, giving some scale realism to the terrain.

For the minis I magnetized bases for the first time, and sorted out small storage boxes for them. Pretty happy with how the camo pattern came out for the GCPS, and I feel the yellow of the Veer myn ‘pops’ nicely on the table.

The terrain is pretty modular, with the scatter pieces and signs really making a positive difference in bringing things ‘to life’.

The addition of the colour stripes, banding and panels (with the yellows and blues) helped prevent the core buildings looking too dull – aided by a few buildings fully in ‘industrial yellow’.

I think I could do with getting a red desert coloured Deadzone Mat, so that the light colours of my terrain stand out better (but they don’t seem to be available anymore).


Some negatives have been the sheer length of time it has taken to complete, and the fact that since I wanted to keep things modular I couldn’t add or fix too much specific detail to most of the pieces. A more bespoke fixed layout would be able to have more detail added all across it. I could also do with making a 2×2 building, but have no tiles left ?


Gerry – I have seen on a couple of the ‘Unofficial Hobby hangout’ shows that you have said about sending me your terrain for working on. Just want to let you know that I’m happy to receive it….. but I’m not saying you would ever get it back! ?

Thanks to you and Sundancer for taking the time to look at my project a few times on your show – it has really helped keep my motivation levels up.

And thanks to Ben for awarding the project a Golden Button (I must get around to adding it to the image….. but I will need to add an ‘r’ to the February on it first ?)


Up next will be a few small painting jobs – some ninjas, a wizard and a Lumineth Underworlds warband. Not sure if I will do a project log for those tbh.

After that it will probably be a Star wars Legion faction, which I may do a project to cover (should be a lot shorter though – more minis, but very little in the way of terrain).


Thanks to all those who have read or commented along the way, I hope that you may have found something of use or interest within it.

Draconis (Rob) signing off.

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draconisbeardragon14Ian Davies Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great work, that board looks epic and really showcases the dramatic 3D nature of a deadzone game. You’re an ambassador for the game.

Cult of Games Member

Hi mate, the project has been over for a couple of months, but I want to say how much I enjoyed it. For some reason I stopped getting notified of updates in late December. I recalled your project earlier tonight and went back to the last entry I knew about (i had book marked it) and encouraged you to get going again …. Of course AFTER I had done that I noticed the next entry button, pushed it and lo and behold , there WERE more entries . After placing a large “idiot” stamp on my forehead , I devoured… Read more »

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