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Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

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Arc Worlde

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Not really part of this year’s project, but the models came in from the Kickstarter and I had to take a break until the weather warmed up enough for me to run the printer in my garage.

Arc Worlde
Arc Worlde

The flame minions were painted with gryph-hound orange contrast paint, drybrushed hexos palesun, then washed fuegan orange. Their eyes were painted wraithbone.


The gremliny mineons had skin painted the fang which was highlighted russ grey followed by fenrisian grey. The brown clothes were painted rhinox hide, then highlighted doombull brown followed by tuskgor fur. The wood was painted XV-88, washed seraphim sepia, then highlighted balor brown followed by zamesti desert. The remaining colours were just contrast paints: iyanden yellow and warp lightning.


The overlord was painted corvus black, then highlighted dawnstone followed by administratum grey. His cloak was painted khorne red. then highlighted with a 50:50 mix of khorne red:pink horrow, followed by a very fine highlight of pink horror and then a wash of carroburg crimson. His silver chain was leadbelcher with a highlight of runefang steel.


The bases were rimmed abbaddon black and skeleton horde contrast paint over a brown stuff textured base.


I used talassar blue contrast paint for the one crystal on one of the flame minion bases.



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