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2023 Hobby Log

2023 Hobby Log

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February 28th Update

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

Part of being off this month, I have been reading a fair bit. One of the things I decided to get to was rereading Discworld in publication order. I usually dip in and out of the series as the mood takes me but I’ve been meaning to go start to finish for a while now.

Seems like a good time to finally get round to painting the Discworld miniatures that I have had sitting in the cupboard for a while… and to have an excuse to pick up the others as I read through.

First up, The Colour of Magic. Sadly not one of my favourite books. I’m just not a massive Rincewind fan and I’d never recommend it as a starting point for anyone starting on Discworld for the first time. It was fun to go back to where it all began though and putting paint on the luggage was very pleasant distraction.

February 28th Update

Up next The Light Fantastic and model Rincewind himself

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Insipid Pearwood!

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