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Bot War - Painting Challenge 2023

Bot War - Painting Challenge 2023

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Day 22 - Overlords blue team 1

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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With the Atlanticans now complete it’s time to move onto Overlords.

To get through the 16 Overlords models I have decided to split them into some manageable chunks;

Blue Group

  • Hammerhead
  • Goremouth
  • Chomper
  • Lockjaw

Green Group

  • Gorger
  • Saur
  • Ripper

Turquoise Group

  • Smalleye
  • Deepsea
  • Piranha


  • Thresherlord
  • Maw


  • Gorg
  • Krog
  • Glug

The 3 main colour groups will all be painted using a similar palette, the single characters will then be painted individually, and the Overlords will have a unified scheme as well, but 8 may add some unique colourations to make each distinct, haven’t worked that out yet.

To get the Blue group underway, over the black primer with a lateral highlight of white ink, I brushed on a desaturated mix of Citadel Leviadon Blue and Apothecary white contrast paint. Over the slightly mottled white ink basecoat this helped create some contrast and organic looks to the skin. Once this was dry I then applied a second thin coat of the contrast mix but then wet blended in P3 morrow white at the high points in muscles and fins.

Armour sections and other details were then blacked out with vallejo model black, before being  basecoated in a green-grey colour which was achieved by mixing up scale75 abyssol blue with vallejo model color German green. This colour was then applied to all armour sections and weapons with the intention to create an alien material similar to titanium. Vallejo model colour luftwafe uniform mixed in formed the first highlight colour and then my favourite extra opaque blue-grey for second.

Day 22 - Overlords blue team 1
Day 22 - Overlords blue team 1

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