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Zebraoutrider is Reborn…

Zebraoutrider is Reborn…

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‘The Reborn’ - The Magnificent 7 (in 7)! - The Brains of the Team and Kill Team Ensemble

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 12
Scout - Servo-69XR-7Scout - Servo-69XR-7
The Reborn Kill TeamThe Reborn Kill Team
‘The Reborn’ - The Magnificent 7 (in 7)! - The Brains of the Team and Kill Team Ensemble
‘The Reborn’ - The Magnificent 7 (in 7)! - The Brains of the Team and Kill Team Ensemble
‘The Reborn’ - The Magnificent 7 (in 7)! - The Brains of the Team and Kill Team Ensemble
‘The Reborn’ - The Magnificent 7 (in 7)! - The Brains of the Team and Kill Team Ensemble

So, The Reborn Kill Team is complete for the moment. I’ll probably add some Chaos Cultists to accompany the crew as it grows in its adventures in the death world jungles of Kenov III as they search for the forbidden Ark of Calixis which can open a portal through the warp to bring their ‘Reborn’ brothers home to seek vengeance on those who sent them to their doom…

‘The Reborn’ - The Magnificent 7 (in 7)! - The Brains of the Team and Kill Team Ensemble
‘The Reborn’ - The Magnificent 7 (in 7)! - The Brains of the Team and Kill Team Ensemble

Again, thanks to this great and friendly community for getting me back into the groove and finding joy in modelling and painting.

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Cult of Games Member

These have all finished up really nicely, great work. I think the Anointed One is my favourite, possibly for the inspired use of the old carrion rider head.

Cult of Games Member

Amazing work, I agree The Anointed One is my favourite, it’s such an amazing conversion piece

Cult of Games Member

2023-03-21 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

I just saw your project while watching a past episode of the Hobby Hangout. I am very very impressed! Now I just have to convince you to sell me those ‘Dogs of War’!”?

Cult of Games Member

2023-04-11 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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