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Journey to my first tournament - Mortem et Gloriam - 2023-04-01/02 Roll Call 2023 - 28mm Magna - VIKINGS on TOUR!!!

Journey to my first tournament - Mortem et Gloriam - 2023-04-01/02 Roll Call 2023 - 28mm Magna - VIKINGS on TOUR!!!

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The start

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Rob ‘suggested’ we go to a Mortem et Gloriam tournament, have the rules but haven’t had a go of it yet, thanks Covid!!!

Have a 6 point Viking Saga (Gripping Beast plastic) force that I was in the process of updating/replacing with a 60 man set of Vikings from Victrix to re-do my Saga army. Cue the purchase of two more Victrix Viking sets, Dark Age Archers (need archers) and Ancient Gallic Cavalry to convert to Vikings (Norman Milites) on horses.

Hmmm what started off as a conversion project has really taken off.

The force needed to attend is 8000 pts (Magna), which roughly equates to 8 Cavalry, 72 Huscarls, 72 Hird and 42 Archers give or take.

Also needed to source sabots bases to base the forces, went back to the Legend John Banks on Facebook ( John does amazing work with MDF and he sorted me out with bases, lots and lots of bases – 60mm x 6omm – mix of 4, 3 and 2 man bases. MeG uses bases (Unit groups – TUGS, UGs and SUGS (I think :/)) as the method of controlling the armies, the bases are set at specific sites and so you can uses models of any size. In this case the bases are set at 60mm x 60mm. So went with sabots.

And then! Rob said we had to do a camp bases 3 times (frontage) the size of the Unit bases – 180mm x 120. So off to find some minis to build a mini diorama 😐

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