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The Barons War - Free book adventure

The Barons War - Free book adventure

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de Percy Lord

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 9
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Looking at the de Percy hereldry... Blues and yellows suit him fine and the red cloak shows that he's wealthy.... But having so many knights in this retinue I am having to get creative to find de Percy symbols, colours and themes. Need to try and have the knights be individuals but with common crossover to keep it one force.Looking at the de Percy hereldry... Blues and yellows suit him fine and the red cloak shows that he's wealthy.... But having so many knights in this retinue I am having to get creative to find de Percy symbols, colours and themes. Need to try and have the knights be individuals but with common crossover to keep it one force.
He's from the Footsore Welsh model range... But a knight mini is a knight mini and he looks cool. ?He's from the Footsore Welsh model range... But a knight mini is a knight mini and he looks cool. ?

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Cult of Games Member

Lovely figure and a amazing paint job mate

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