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Hunting in the Darkness - KD:M

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27 Dec 22: A little KD Christmas

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9

A little KD Christmas present. It comes as part of one of their seasonal releases.

27 Dec 22: A little KD Christmas

28 Dec 22: Little details

It needed a little more detailIt needed a little more detail

I painted the face on top to match one of the ubiquitous KD stone faces.

The wrap of the present is inspired by the KD tissue paper that they use to pack their minis in for shipping.

Colours used Colours used
A little KD Christmas. A little KD Christmas.

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sundancerrayzryrdanlee Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I think if I received a Christmas present that looked like that I would not want to open it.

Cult of Games Member

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