STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!
Stalingrad 24th Panzer Division Flame Thrower Team.
A great little addition to my ‘Stalingrad Armoured Kampfgruppe’ plastoon (see page 146 ‘Campaign Stalingrad’) is this 2 man Flame Thrower Team.
It has been kit-Bashed with a metal German Soldier head from Warlords ‘Germans in plain steel helmets’ metal sprue, and Africa Corps Plastic sprue. Both heads have been chosen because they are wearing goggles, to add to feel of being mounted mech infantry, like many of their platoon compatriots.
I would recommend Flame Thrower teams to any player looking to take out enemies entrenched in cover, which these guys will find by the bucket load facing them in Stalingrad. The weapon has the great ability to ignore cover to hit roll penalties! If it hits, it has D6 serious chances of killing enemy infantrymen with a +3 to the dice roll., and then what’s left has to take a morale check to stay on the table with a killer D3 + 1 pins.
This small but very effective unit will be used aggressively as a spearhead unit to break a whole in the enemy line, after being moved up in an Hanomag transport, and will pave the way for an Panzergrenadier (Stalingrad) infantry squad to capture a building etc.
he application of some Vallejo ‘Gloss Varnish’ and some ProPigments ‘Black’ add two vastly contrasting finishes to the models, which adds a further level of verisimilitude and immersion on the tabletop.
Miniatures by Warlord Games:
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