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Aeon Trespass Odyssey

Aeon Trespass Odyssey

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Cycle 1, turns 7 to 8

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I knew turn 7 had a battle, so got stuck right into it. It started well. I felt I had a good grasp of the rules by now and it did well right until I’d done 8 of the 10 required wounds. Then I utterly failed to inflict those last two wounds and all four of my Titans got wiped out.

End of turn 1. A couple of Titans knocked down but not a bad start.End of turn 1. A couple of Titans knocked down but not a bad start.
About 10 turns later, everyone's dead.About 10 turns later, everyone's dead.

So moving on to campaign turn 8, I randomly drew an ambush battle (which only happens once per game, then the card is removed from the game) and the adversary is only one tile away. Looks like I’m in for two more quick succession battles.

Cycle 1, turns 7 to 8

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