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Boats and Yo Ho Ho's

Boats and Yo Ho Ho's

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Second steps...sandy beach rocks and ruins

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I decided I wanted a series of interconnected islands with a sandy tropical vibe, which is some evolution from the hellscape I had been thinking about. I had recently acquired Reign In Hell and wanted a set of terrain that would work for that. Still not explored that original idea or played the game, but it's a great excuse to keep buying demons on myminifactory.I decided I wanted a series of interconnected islands with a sandy tropical vibe, which is some evolution from the hellscape I had been thinking about. I had recently acquired Reign In Hell and wanted a set of terrain that would work for that. Still not explored that original idea or played the game, but it's a great excuse to keep buying demons on myminifactory.
I had no idea if this was going to workI had no idea if this was going to work

To make the catwalks I grabbed my trusty bits of wood bag and glued some coffee stirrers together. I them trimmed them with my super heavy craft scissors (apparently they cut bone). Some of the sticks came off during this process, which added rather than detracted to the overall look.

I then added a wash of scale 75 ink, with a small bit of nuln oil after that. The result was a dirty lacquered wood effect. I was really chuffed with the end result. I plan to do a darker mossier variant for Frostgrave walk ways.

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