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Arks of Omen Boarding action

Arks of Omen Boarding action

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Project Blog by tuffyears Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 21

About the Project

The Great Rift has torn the Emperor's realm in two. Ancient alien empires rise from the ashes of prehistory to claw at the dying stars. Predatory nightmares boil from the outer darkness, while everywhere the veil of reality wears thin and the flames of war rise ever higher. Day by day, battle upon battle, the galaxy careens ever closer to total annihiliation. From amidst the growing anarchy and prophecies of a final ending rise those who would deny the last darkness and, in so doing, seize victory for themselves. Greatest amongst these is Abaddon the Despoiler. Forging an infernal pact with a dread new ally, he unleashes the mighty Arks of Omen and their rapacious Balefleets upon the Imperium Sanctus and the Imperium Nihilus alike. Striking at world after world, the Arks ignite fresh conflagrations of war wherever their shadows fall. Humans, aliens, and even Abaddon's heretical rivals fight back against these nightmare war fleets wherever they can - but there is a darker and more insidious purpose to the attacks of the Arks of Omen, and time is not their ally...

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