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My Third Diorama Beren and Luthien

My Third Diorama Beren and Luthien

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Tolkiens Grave

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

Below is a picture of Tolkien and his wife’s grave.

I tried to pay a little bit of a homage to this in my diorama.


Tolkiens GraveTolkiens Grave

I ordered a pack of gravestones and flowers from here!/Overgrown-Graves-A/p/408113029

The grave that I chose had a little bit of inscribed writing on it. I smoothed this over with some modelling putty.

The painting didn’t actually take too long with much using being made of dirty looking washes.



Tolkiens graveTolkiens grave

I added this grave to a corner of the scene surrounded by Simbelmynë flowers.


Tolkien grave on DioramaTolkien grave on Diorama

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Cult of Games Member

A lovely touch!

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