Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (ATO) by Lawnor
Prologue: Labyrinthauros
During the Kickstarter this model was pretty much just a metal bull, with a swappable part that I assume would have been organic. When I saw the renders I didn’t know what was going on, and was a little disappointed in the change. however, the more paint I got on this model, the more I loved it. It’s such a narrative piece. I’ve not read it’s lore, but you can tell what’s going on just by looking at it. Some sort of eldritch mollusc has climbed inside a giant hollow metallic bull and is wearing it like a hermit crabs shell.
Base: Darkstar Blackened Bronze
Drybrush: Darkstar Bronze
Wash all over: Secret Weapon Sewer Water
Drybrush: Darkstar Bronze
Drybrush: Darkstar Polished Copper
Drybrush: Darkstar Pale Gold
Targeted wash of Sewer Water to only the deepest regions.
Tentacle Flesh:
Base: P3 Troolblood Highlight, P3 Ryn Flesh & P3 Carnal Pink
Wash: Base +Traitor Green
Wash: Above+ Beaten Purple
Highlight: Ryn Flesh, Carnal Pink, and P3Menoth White Highlight
Blue Suckers:
Base: VMC 70.866 Turquoise
Highlight middle with VMC 70.808 Blue Green
Highlight middle by adding more and more Reaper 09150 Bloodless Skin or any other off-white to the Blue Green
Purple Flesh:
(All from Nocturna Malefic Flesh set)
Base: VMC 74.012 Maelific Flesh
Shade/Wash: VMC 74.011 Purple Shadow
Reclaim base
Highlight/Drybrush: VMC74.015 Pale Flesh
Highlight/Drybrus: VMC 74.016 White Flesh
Tongue and Teeth:
The tongue was already coated as a result of the Purple Flesh layer, so I just washed it with GW Carrouburg Crimson and the highlighted it with thinned Ryn Flesh. the Teeth where painted with P3 Menoth White Base and highlighted with P3 Menoth White Highlight.
Banner White:
Base: Andrea Color White 1 Base
Pinwash the runes with Jan’s Magimix (6-8 Parts GW Nuln Oil, 6-8 Parts GW Agrax Earthshade, 5-6 Parts Lahmium Medium, 2 parts Athonian Camoshade)
Shade: Andrea Color White 6, 2nd Shadow
Shade: Andrea Color White 6, 2nd Shadow mixed with White Base
Reclaim base colours where needed
Highlight: Andrea Color White 3, 2nd Light mixed with base
Highlight: Andrea Color White 3, 2nd Light
Highlight: Andrea Color White 3, 2nd Light mixed with P3 Morrow White
Tree Canopy:
Base: P3 Gnarls Green
Wash: AP Green Tone Wash
Drybrush P3 Bog Moss
Drybrush: P3 Wyrm Green
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