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Warriors and archers wip

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I had little elf helping :D

So . I did a few conversions,  nothing major. few extra swords, head swap here and there, just to break up that same mold models a bit, they are warriors so in my mind few heads without helmets will not do any harm and will  help out to make them look a bit more individual, I also swaped few shields to Celtic shields that in my mind look like something Rohan warrior would paint on their shild themselfs. Plus different shades of uniforms, should be enoug.

Table top standard ready. I only have bases to flock on this unit. Table top standard ready. I only have bases to flock on this unit.

Paints used – mostly AV (VALLEJO) , P3 and Army painter – primer from wilko black an d dusted white.

Body cloth and shields

  • olive gray
  • Medium olive air range [ used also as wash ]
  • P3 sanguine base
  • olive gren
  • brown sand

Skin and hair

  • P3 sanguine base
  • beige
  • basic skin
  • pale sand
  • flat yellow

Any metal plate mail from Army painter –  washes used to differentiate shields, buckles, swords or helmets.

  • sepia shade from VALLEJO
  • Mid brown from AP

all paints have been mixed a lot too to achieve different shades wit little efford,

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