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Crashed X-wing Battlefield Expansion DIY Edition

Crashed X-wing Battlefield Expansion DIY Edition

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Project Entry by sundancer Cult of Games Member

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Things that bug me with the AMG set

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Well aside from the price there was something with the model that really didn’t sit right with me. And it took me a while to figure it out.

It’s the missing wings!

Things that bug me with the AMG set

For one the damage looks way to clean, the hole left behind feels too much like “somebody forgot to add wings” and they shouldn’t be sheared off.

When I started looking for pictures of crashed jet fighters too see how the ground would look like I noticed that parts of the planes that didn’t touch the ground didn’t get ripped off.

Exhibits A – E

So what I’m going to do is the following:

  • Make some bases similar to the dimensions of the AMG kit
  • build the model
  • cut it up in a way that looks more realistic.

Since I have the Fighter Pilot version of Luke from FFG/AMG the only thing I need are the scenario cards. And I’m pretty sure they will be somewhere to be found on the interwebs.

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sundancerSquirrel Lord Recent comment authors
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faster, also have you ever seen a plane crash, the lower wings could be a kilometer behind as it landed and they got ripped from the fuselage

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