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Warhammer The Old World ?

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This topic contains 18 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  wolfie65 1 year, 9 months ago.

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    The announcement of the resurrection of GW’s stupidly killed flagship game having come several years ago  and the fact that this year marks the 40th anniversary of its’ inception kinda make me think that we might see the first releases – probably in the form of a starter box set – right before the ‘holiday season’, meaning October/November.

    Now Warhammer was never my favorite game system, but it was, along with 40K, the by far most popular and therefore the easiest to find opponents for. I started playing it in 5th edition – ‘Herohammer’, where a couple of special characters and maybe 1 or 2 elite units would do all the damage while the rest of the ‘army’ were basically just decorations – found some things I liked and some things I didn’t in 6th, but never played subsequent editions, the local gaming scene having pretty much died off, stores closed and prices risen to such an extent that I was no longer able to justify the expense.

    Besides, GW hadn’t really produced very much I actually wanted to buy since Battlefleet Gothic, and when I look at the GW webstore today, I just see bizarre weirdness at a cost that makes my skin crawl. And it’s not even metal !

    But U do miss gaming and there seems to be a new store in town, not even very far away from me, so I’ve started to read some of the rumors and announcements regarding WTOW.

    The setting is apparently several hundreds of years prior to the previous one, which doesn’t suck as an idea and according to some of the rumors, they will accommodate players who have bunches of older models – an unusual move for GW – and use a combination of rules from all previous editions.

    I wouldn’t  mind at all digging out my Night Goblin shaman mounted on a Wyvern……

    What do you all think about this ?


    Cult of Games Member

    What ever G’Wullu will make of WtoW I’m pretty sure it’ll be

    • pricey
    • limited
    • sold out fast

    Not holding my breath for G’Wullu doing any reasonable thing for gamers any more. They will put out what sells best and fast, will not keep any mentionable stock and scalpers will once again have a field day.

    That being said: should they actually release a decent version of BFG (as is rumoured because of an Instagram post) I might find myself eating my words.



    If anything of recent history has shown anything like this may tie into a release of Mordheim that will likely be a starter two faction series like Necromunda and AoS. Lots of terrain and a crew of figures will be the order of the day and limited to the first few pre-orders.


    Cult of Games Member

    What I can’t help but think of is that since they killed off Warhammer fantasy there are now so many fantasy box sets available for a decent price from the likes of Mantic, Wargames Atlantic and the Oathmark line from North Star. What’s to stop people bulking out their armies with these miniatures and just using the Old World rules for the games? Our group was even starting to do that in the latter days of Warhammer fantasy back in the day.



    Cult of Games Member

    Scale I’D say. they probably will make the minis “Primaris” size and way to big for most other games. And even though they said “square bases” I’m not sure they mentioned how big they will be. And the rules will only be available in that first box or as bloody expensive Hardcover later on.

    G’Wullu will find way.

    If you have coin, G’Wullu has wares.


    Cult of Games Member

    They did say (granted, it was a while back) that the scale would be similar to that of old Warhammer, so you could still use your old armies. I personally would have preferred something like 15mm for a mass combat game.


    Cult of Games Member

    Primaris are “similar” to space marines…. it’s a very stretchy definition 😉


    Proof will be in the pudding



    Using minis from a wide variety of different companies is something I have always done and since the closest ‘official’ GW store is many hours drive away, that was never a problem. I’m also not a stickler for base size – or shape, for that matter – the beer, pretzel and common sense approach works just fine for me and has since the days of pitting 1/72 scale Airfix guys against Elastolin knights on the floor in the 1970s……

    If someone doesn’t want to play me because my figures aren’t the ‘official’ ones  – or from older editions of game system X – oh well.

    I can get on board with the idea of WHtOW being set several hundreds of years before the timeline of WHFB,  I like the announcement teaser that we will supposedly be able to use our existing figures – which I was going to do anyway, see above – and that they will allegedly combine rules from ALL previous editions. Which also means 1-4…I hope……

    I have a very nice Wood Elf chariot (Harlequin/Black Tree Design), the original fluff says Wood Elves can have chariots, so why not. I even have the original Marauder/Citadel Elf chariot – before the ‘Sundering’ – unpainted and in the box, lead all the way. I want to paint and use it.

    My Empire army has Dwarfs, Halflings and Ogres in it, original fluff says ok, so did editions prior to 6th. I even have a couple of Ogres in Landsknecht outfits with matchlock muskets, not sure who made those. I want to use them.

    The list goes on.

    I do realize that the chances that whatever the re-issue will be is unlikely to be anywhere close to anything GW made before 2000, but I’m willing to be pleasantly surprised……


    Cult of Games Member

    but I’m willing to be pleasantly surprised……

    Same. Even if it’s only so that G’Wullu fanboys can go “see? they are not that evil. Not all of the time. Only on weekdays”


    Cult of Games Member

    I mentioned this elsewhere but to me this is like meeting your ex on a night out after you have moved on.  You remember all the fun times and it’s tempting to have another go, but then you remember she left you for someone else and there’s better options out there for you now.

    I see absolutely no reason at all to invest any time or money in The Old World.  I have two small painted armies (High Elves and Bretonnians) and if I feel the need to use them I can play Kings of War, Saga, Oathmark, Warlords of Erewohn and so on.  I literally cannot think of a single reason to invest even a single penny of my money or second of my time on The Old World beyond nostalgia.  Warhammer was fun while it lasted, then it went away and I moved on to other games which I have since invested in.


    Cult of Games Member

    It presumes GW’s new rules are enjoyable to play.  If they are (as seems to be likely) some “greatest hits” version of previous editions then colour me uninterested.  WHFB was OK in its day (pre-2000) but it hasn’t aged well, and nowadays the mechanics seem positively antedeluvian.  Normally games are all about the models for me, but again unless they bring back the lovely characterful metals (which is not going to happen) I’m not interested there either.  Overly-complex computer-sculpted plastics a-la their current offerings for AoS or 40k leave me cold.  The only bit that piques my interest is the fluff. I always quite liked WFB fluff, so seeing more of that published in Black Library or White Dwarf could see me part with some money.  Otherwise than that, I’m done with the Old World.



    Seems a shame that for years the only place that the Old World existed was on the Bloodbowl pitch…


    Cult of Games Member

    @pagan8th well, it existed in people’s imaginations, in the players who decided to keep going and formed the 9th age, in Warhammer FRP and latterly Total War.  The ONLY people it would seem who could not see just how rich their Old World setting was, were Games Workshop.  Honestly I genuinely do not begrudge them pulling the plug when they did, I didn’t feel any bitterness.  I just moved on and it was surprisingly easy to do.  But the ease with which I moved on is the reason I won’t be going back.  The best bit about Warhammer Fantasy Battle was the lore.  Everything else (rules/miniatures) I can better and/or cheaper elsewhere.



    To be honest, Old Wold is basically just “Grimdrip Satire Fantasy Medieval Europe” mostly, not only is it easy to just use a new rule set with the WFB lore as a setting you paint on top of it, you can do better than that setting (I mean just take Discworld’s setting and find practically any miniature agnostic wargame rule set with fail conditions that can be viewed humorously and your already doing better than WFB Old World lore writing wise and likely in rule set area too).



    Although I’m hopeful about The Old World, The Ninth Age (google it) is really the only spiritual successor to WFB out there. They’ve moved on from the setting for legal reasons, but if you want to move ranked units around it’s a great ruleset.

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