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Venting my spleen... or atleast my airbrush

Venting my spleen... or atleast my airbrush

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I’m mothballing this project out of realizing I am just not able to devote enough time to make it a reality. I bought a fully functional piece of equipment and I just don’t have need for the unit I planned on building. Perhaps I’ll take this up again in the future as I’m going deeper in study with sheet metal work. Maybe next year I can use it for my class project if I’m allowed opportunity to design one myself. Just tonight we started planning for fittings and the initial build process of parts. Its application of knowledge now and its a bit daunting even if I am in the shop. Here’s to a better tomorrow as I whittle down projects to better focus on completion.

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Cult of Games Member

It’s always sad when someone takes a project behind the shed to put it to sleep :S

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