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Dwarven Ambush - A Kings of War Red Book Army

Dwarven Ambush - A Kings of War Red Book Army

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2023 January 9th Update

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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This is a wee project that should have been ticking away in the background. It hasn’t been. I have the attention span of a four year old on sherbet so instead I painted Underworlds warbands. So I got to the week before Christmas and realised I need to paint up 750 points in three weeks (roughly).

An audiobook later and the two regiments of Ironclad are painted and basing commences.

One of the many distractions, a new squirrel friend who visits my third floor balcony to eat my spring bulbs and torment my cats through the windowOne of the many distractions, a new squirrel friend who visits my third floor balcony to eat my spring bulbs and torment my cats through the window

Originally I had rather elaborate plans for these bases that involved resin but as the motto for the year is “finish armies for the table”, I’ve swapped to a more traditional texture paint-ground texture flock-snow paste combo.

This is a second hand army and so whoever owned it before glue all the models at odd angles on their 20mm bases which means they don’t fit properly when you mass them up. How, even if they were the right facing, you’d fit all twenty on a base is beyond me so I’m aiming for PMC+1. Off with their bases!

  • Next a homemade hot chocolate texture paste. Sand, PVA and paint. Smother and allow to dry overnight
  • Add a layer of pva and sprinkle over some brown flock for more texture then realise you could probably just have put this over the texture paint while it was drying… joined up thinking is not one of my strengths
  • snow paste added between the rows so it looks like they have stomped through it all.

I have more to do in terms of adding in some wet looking patches and I have transfers for the shields but time is short so this will do for table ready for now.

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