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My Third Diorama Beren and Luthien

My Third Diorama Beren and Luthien

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Idea 9
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Next, on to Beren.


The model is from the Rangers of Shadowdeep range over at North Star.

After sawing his hand off with the ever handy multi tool, I made a start painting.

Beren Miniature Beren Miniature

I used a mixture of Browns, Greens and Blacks from Scale 75 Instants (my go to paint at the moment)

I used a couple of metallic paints on the Sword and belt buckle.

I gave the mini a generous dry brushing of Bone white to finish off.

The are a few little things I need  to paint right on this mini (the sword) but for the most part he is now complete.


Beren WIPBeren WIP
Beren Mini completeBeren Mini complete
Beren Mini Complete 2Beren Mini Complete 2

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