Delving back into Deadzone
Getting in some demo games
An old friend of mine came over on New Year’s eve for some board gaming.
I had discussed Deadzone with him, and he was up for trying it out.
So, I set up the small demo layout from the 3rd ed starter (3 vs 3 models, Veer Myn and GCPS, on a 5 x5 grid instead of 8 x8).
I gave him a brief run through of the key rules, then we were straight into it.
He picked it up really quickly, and seemed to have fun.
Plus my wife kept up her 100% record (loosing both games ?).
The GCPS under Mike’s control won the first game, then they switched sides and played again. This time the Veer Myn won.
Standout moment was my wife making a save roll for her Ranger, with the armour value of 1 saving it…..then Mike quickly muttered ‘AP1’…… followed by my wife shouting ‘No!’ very loudly. ?
This second game came down to one model left on each side, with the Veer myn taking it with a final mid range shot.
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