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Roll for Gift-nitiative!

Roll for Gift-nitiative!

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19 Dec 22: Decorate the Decorations

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Despite the hiccup with the (un)fixative spray, I wanted to keep going.
I recruited my daughter for assistance and we spent an afternoon doing a shared craft activity.
Over the next couple of hours we used acrylic paint, Sharpies and other permanent markers and Posca paint pens. I did one for my own collection, then moved on to start those for my D&D group. My daughter did the other three that I intended for us to keep.

We got so into it, I forgot to take progress shots, but see the finished products! This year I didn’t have room for a full-size tree, so I had to come up with something else. I struck upon the bright idea of decorating the shelves that are in my living room instead and putting the presents below that. So now you can make see my fun decorations, and pass judgement on my taste in entertainment!

"Silver" d20, $-store acrylic paint, Me!
White d20, Sharpie, Daughter :-)White d20, Sharpie, Daughter :-)
Red d20, Acrylic Paint (Black, Gold), DaughterRed d20, Acrylic Paint (Black, Gold), Daughter
Green d20, Bronze Sharpie & White Posca pen, DaughterGreen d20, Bronze Sharpie & White Posca pen, Daughter
The four that will go to the D&D party, one each. Permanent marker, black acrylic paint, bronze Sharpie, white Posca penThe four that will go to the D&D party, one each. Permanent marker, black acrylic paint, bronze Sharpie, white Posca pen
Not sure which one to give to which player, so I'll randomise who gets which. Not sure which one to give to which player, so I'll randomise who gets which.
Materials used...Materials used...

So, they haven’t got them yet. First session will be in the second week of January most likely. I hope they’ll like them! But for now, we’re done.


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