Act II Teased For FFG’s Descent: Legends Of The Dark

December 12, 2022 by brennon

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Fantasy Flight Games have teased the next act for their mammoth Fantasy board game, Descent: Legends Of The Dark. After refreshing the mechanics behind their classic dungeon crawl, it seems like another titanic expansion is on the way; The Betrayer's War.

The Betrayers War - Descent Legends Of The Dark

The Betrayer's War // Descent: Legends Of The Dark

The Betrayer's War will be expanding on the offerings from Legends Of The Dark and continuing the stories for your band of adventurers. There aren't many more details on the game at the moment but with December being the month of Descent, we might get more teasers as we run up to Christmas.

It should be noted that there is also meant to be a side story expansion for Descent: Legends Of The Dark called Ghosts Of Greyhaven on the way. It seems like this standalone/expansion content for Descent is going to be sitting on the backburner whilst The Betrayer's War makes its mark.

Things look decidedly eviler when it comes to the cover for The Betrayer's War. The big antlered crown might hint at the big bad that you end up fighting during your adventures.

Have you played through Act I and will you be diving into Act II?

"Things look decidedly eviler when it comes to the cover for The Betrayer's War..."

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