The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted
72 MTG: Stuffed Fables
Models remaining:
Batch: 0, Normal: 65, Luxury: 7, Modular: 0, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 9, To Ship: ATO Waves 1+2, KDM GCE+COD
My Kingdom Death order arrived this week! Expansions of Death is all the original round of 12 playable game expansions. None of the hobby only sets. I also picked up the White Gigalion which is also playable. It’s a standalone mission, but once it’s done you can add the White Gigalion to any other game.
This is 13 expansions and cost me about £925. That’s a stupid amount to spend on one box of board games, but it breaks down to £71 per expansion, which is expensive, but bearable. I believe they contain 53 models, but I’m not 100% sure on that. That makes it £17.45 per model on average, and some of those models are huge and if GW sold their version, you’d be looking at over £100 on the shelf. This game is expensive, but if you do the maths, you do get value for money.
Black Friday happened and they opened up the backer kit for new players. I was able to order the Gamblers Chest and Campaigns of Death. I wanted to order all the Wave 4 content too, but I couldn’t do that without emptying my savings account, which didn’t seem wise, given the collapsing economy.
Before I can start on my new toys I needed to clear my desk. I buckled down and got Stuffed Fables finished by Saturday evening and then set to work building all the Lion related boxes. I’ve three of the thirteen boxes built, and that’s 11 models, although the Lion Knight feels like three more as he’s got three ladies sat on his base. I stayed up late on Sunday to get them all primed too. Everything was taking forever to dry this weekend. I assume the cold weather is to blame.
Here’s my finished Stuffed Fables minis. They were always a rush job. I didn’t wan to spend longer painting them than they’ll spend on the table. I haven’t read the rules yet so I don’t know what anyone is called yet so I can’t label the pics.
Tonight I start working on KDM bases, or perhaps airbrush some colour on to the lions. I’ve done some light googling on what KDM campaign to play next. it appears that People of the Stars (Dragon) does not like it when you add any other expansions to it. I’d be curious to hear opinions on this. Does that include the Tree or the Gigalion? The tree seems to integrate differently to other expansions, and the Gigalion seems to add to the White Lion rather than replace anything.
Does People of the Sun (Sunstalker) have any expansions to avoid including? It sounds more inclusive and open. I think I’ll go Stars/Dragon first as I only need to get one box of minis table ready before I can start.
There’s a handful of extra minis in these boxes, like the Lonely Lady and the Dragon King’s People of the Stars minis that I have no idea what they are for. Do they have in game purposes, or are some of these decorative? Can I give the Lonely Lady a weapon and call her an unarmoured survivor? Are there any other models like this?
I got my address confirmation email Aeon Trespass Odyssey late last week. They’re saying UK shipping is happening this week. Wave 1 was originally supposed to be 27 models, but I’m really not sure where we ended up by the end of the KS. My Pile of Shame is definitely on the rise.
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