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Dungeon Saga - Core

Dungeon Saga - Core

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11 Mar 18: Quick skip back in time...

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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A selection taken from DS that were to be used in a D&D campaign in case of combat. 2 of these are the starting characters from DS Core set.A selection taken from DS that were to be used in a D&D campaign in case of combat. 2 of these are the starting characters from DS Core set.

Previously, in the Elf Project 

The Elf character from DS. I’d done the basic and the Advanced version of her.

17 Sep 18: DS Elf Hero original and Resin versions were done. 17 Sep 18: DS Elf Hero original and Resin versions were done.

22 Jun 21: A wizard is never early or late blah blah blah

As previously mentioned, when I needed Zombies, I also needed wizards.
It provoked me to get this guy done. Also previously shown as complete in the Elf project as complete. Some of the earlier steps here:

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