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The Cococuqui - Ladies of the Jungle

The Cococuqui - Ladies of the Jungle

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Positively pissed and project progress

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
Disturbance, discomfort and creative distractions Disturbance, discomfort and creative distractions

Sometimes its good to just hobby and lose your head in it. This weekend has been just such a time as I’ve not been in the best of moods. I’ve been upset with myself on the hobby front as well. Using this tandem sense of being pissed off I kicked my own ass and jumped onto the Amazons. I’ve pinned the feet to all of my foot soldiers and archers from the KS TitanForge sent me so long ago and magnetized all their bases and the trays. I drilled the feet of all my big models with 1/8″ brass rod to pin them and they too are magnetized. I stripped crap detail from the flying monster’s base I didn’t want to keep. I used my Dremel to eliminate most of the mold lines on the wings of said model and grind off flash and pour gates from the molding process.

Birdlike feetsBirdlike feets

I’ll get to sculpting onto the rods to incorporate them better in future. I don’t have the patience or attention span at the moment to be good at what I want to do.

As an addition to my general angst for life at large I had my warlord on beast break not less than four times while trying to get her set up on the jaguar. I replaced the resin spear with piano wire. I reattached both her arms and one of her legs at some point. I took a Robin Williams prescribed dose of Fuckitall and sculpted a cape for her back that I textured with feathers that the dino riders have on their mounts.

Without a doubt I’d say that this has been an episode of to effectively be productively pissed off. Now to turn my attention to the Arabian Knights project and get some stuff done there.


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horati0nosebl0wersundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I hear you mate. I really hear you. Nice work on the bases. Did you use a roller or are those hand carved?

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