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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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The basics painting

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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My last spurt on the 11th was during the follow up to the D-day bootcamp, although new tanks were added I did finish the Infantry and some Kangaroo’s from various sources on ebay. AS previously said painting a company of British Infantry. an additional Company of Germans, the 2nd platoon of U.S. paras plus a U.S. mechanized platoon had killed my enthusiasm at the time.

The Bulge starter pushed me to try and finish some long forgotten models, I had completed in the day before BOW’s , basically when the original Tanks game came out, 3 troops of Sharman’s for the 11ths, so to begin with I dusted out the built and not painted and un built and painted up the rest of the troop . Problem was without our glorious project system I had only a vague idea how I had done them plus some of the ranges of paints particularly wash’s have changed since then, I know it involved wash’s/inks and dry brushing and…..

The final result didn;t come out bad but wanted a lot simpler method , that was similar to the method I used for the Americans I did, but would not make them identical to Americans.


The basics painting
  1. Now depending on sources above is probably accurate, but always looks a bit dark plus you get the grainy effect of dry brushing. To be honest if the new ones are a ligher shade of Olive green or the British Equivent it is liveable as the shade probably changed depending on batch of paint , its age time is sun etc, plus touch ups etc. Kevin probably summed it up that only a Wargamer’s army would have everything the same shade.

So this time I bagan with a spray can or Army Painters , Army Green . mainly as it was darker and a bit whiter green than GW’s Catachan Green .

Now to add insult to injury , GW have just changed the formula of the old Standard Nuln Oil, so was a bit wary, think originally put it on neat hence the dark nature, plus I heard reports that it was more patchy now than originally.

I intially tried mixing it with medium , but that seemd to grey it a bit, so went back to diluting it with water.

This seemed to work, and then I dry brushed for highlights off GW Steel Legion Drab.

Here are some Challengers at the above stage.


The basics painting
The paints used.The paints used.

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