Irregular Magazine Autumn 2022

October 29, 2022 by warhammergrimace | Channel: Irregular Magazine

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http://Irregular Magazine Autumn 2022

It is once again awesome to greet our much loved readers, both new and old, to our Autumn edition of Irregular Magazine for 2022!

We have yet again another full magazine containing the latest news, game releases, book reviews, RPGs, miniatures, tutorials and much, much more!

We have another collection of our much loved book reviews, this time ranging from the Chinese Civil War, through the first Sino-Japanese War, the Jacobite Rebellion, the English Civil War and all the way back to ancient Rome. In addition, there is a look at the Vikings and the Franks, as well as a review of two absolutely fantastic books by Henry Hyde – Wargaming Essentials & Wargaming Campaigns, both of which are pretty much a must have for any wargamers shelf!

Our editor once again brings us some information about a particular background we could set some of our games in. This time it is the Qing Dynasty, which spans the period between 1800 and 1911, and some of the key highlights of this period are outlined, as a springboard for further investigation!

There is a look at three of the latest exciting game releases – Void 2.0, which is a relauch of a game that holds great memories for your webmaster and at one time was a real competitor for some of the biggest plaers in the sci-fi wargame market! Maximillian 1934 could be considered as an Interwar Gaslands, but do check out our review, to bet a much better understanding of this great and promising game! And finally, we have a review of Irregular Wars, which enables player to game some of the conflicts on the fringe of the European world in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries!

We look at a new miniatures release, in the form of the latest plastics from Wargames Atlantic, the Chinese Boxers miniatures, as well as the pre-painted WW2 terrain from Micro Art Studios.

Finally, our editor has a look at the Army Painter Character Paint Set, and provides us with a tutorial on painting die-cast cars as part of his own Maximillian 1934 journey!

So, this is once more, another content-packed issue!

So it’s time to get reading – go on, download a copy now!

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