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Elessar2590: 3D Printing The Lord of the Rings

Elessar2590: 3D Printing The Lord of the Rings

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Gondor Elites

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I have a core for a War of the Ring Gondor army but I need some elites which I can now just print myself. Everything is from Medbury Miniatures

Alternative DenethorAlternative Denethor
Unfortunately White Resin makes bad picturesUnfortunately White Resin makes bad pictures
 On the Left is a Fountain Court Guard with a head from a 10mm Fantasy Miniature. The Right is a counts as Citadel Guard. On the Left is a Fountain Court Guard with a head from a 10mm Fantasy Miniature. The Right is a counts as Citadel Guard.
Standard Pre Wash picture. Going with the normal Black scheme.Standard Pre Wash picture. Going with the normal Black scheme.
Gondor Elites
Gondor Elites
Gondor Elites
Gondor Elites

The Citadel Guard make up Denethor's unit and the Fountain Court Guard will get Shields and be a nice roadblock.

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Cult of Games Member

Very cool!

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