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Dwarven Ambush - A Kings of War Red Book Army

Dwarven Ambush - A Kings of War Red Book Army

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Colour Scheme

Tutoring 8
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Box of around 300 dwarves. Orange red for scaleBox of around 300 dwarves. Orange red for scale

This is a mass battle game and there’s a lot of other projects on the go so the paint scheme needs to be quick and easy. Back when I bought this army, I was still an active World of Warcraft player (oh the days of being able to afford an MMO in time and money!). The colour scheme was never in doubt then.


Colour Scheme

Time for a test model. Grabbing one from the box that was already primed in a mid-brown. Total painting time was only around 25 minutes. This will be cut by waiting until everyone is on their base before doing highlights (no point highlighting parts no one will see.

Colour Scheme

I have ideas for basing and for the shields but first thing will be to bash out the models. How many do I need? Comparing with what Woodstock is getting in the started box (or rather what the opponents in the box gets cos the Ogres are a size up), it looks like a couple of regiments of base infantry and maybe one regiment of cav.

Given we are aiming for our first Ambush games in January, I’ll be aiming for a regiment of infantry in November and December. The cav will probably be a Christmas project. Something to work on as all that turkey digests… 62 days to go! (You’re welcome)

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