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From 40K to Role Play

From 40K to Role Play

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Project Blog by TrojanTurps

Recommendations: 466

About the Project

After a long break from the hobbie I find myself returning in my late 30s. As a teenager I played 40K, Necromunda & Gorka Morka. I also had a bit of Warhammer Fantasy stuff. But I am brought back by Dungeons & Dragons. As a teenager I had no interest in DND but never really knew what it was. After curiously listening to some DND podcasts I realised that it was a rather interesting thing. Well once my kids heard about DND they wanted to play! So out came the Lego and some rules were quickly created. This was the start of our first Role Play game.

This Project is On Hold

Zombie Bear

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

Someone wants to play as a Zombie Bear. So I found this one in Pound land.

I cut out it’s eye and a chunk of its chest. Added in some green stuff and I was done.

It was surprisingly quick and easy.


Zombie BearZombie Bear

I think that I need to get some more toy animals ?

Kitbashing Humanoids 08

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
Squires Squires

Making some Monty Python inspired Halfling Squires.

Using Wargames Atlantic Halfling Militia with assorted Frostgrave heads.

The main bulk of the backpacks was made with milaput blocks. Some extra pouches and bed rolls were added with Greenstuff.

The bag frames / flag poles are chopped up Halfling spears.

I then stuck Frostgrave / Wargames Atlantic weapons, pouches and gubbins all over.


Managed to find an old Mordheim chest in the bits box for the one squire. I also added another old empire shield to Arthur’s squire’s pack.

Knights & SquiresKnights & Squires

I realised that the Monty Python flag poles were actually spears after I chopped the spearheads off. But I wasn’t trying to copy the Python knights exactly. (Halflings)

Although I was still annoyed about this but couldn’t be bothered to try and stick them back on.

Kitbashing Humanoids 07

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

Making some Monty Python inspired Halfling Knights.

Little Grail Knights Little Grail Knights

Using Wargames Atlantic Halfling Militia with assorted Frostgrave swords. The shields are from the old GW Empire swordsmen.

I did some very quick Greenstuff mail coif’s with mixed results.

Also gave Arthur a beard etc .

The Black Knight The Black Knight

Kitbashing Humanoids 06

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

Made up 10 snake-men.

I had a Frostgrave snake-men sprue that assembles 5 figures. It came with 10 head options. The spare heads were put on 5 Wargames Atlantic goblins. I also used the snake-men arms on the Goblins. The small models where then mostly equipped with crossbows taken from various Frostgrave spures.



The snake arms and heads required some copping and green stuffing to work with the Goblin bodies.

I made a simple snakeskin stamp to texture the green stuff.

Textured skinTextured skin

Kitbashing Humanoids 05

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
No Comments

Made up 10 knolls / wolf men.

I had a Frostgrave knolls sprue that assembles 5 figures. It came with 10 head options. The spare heads were put on 5 Wargames Atlantic goblins.

The heads needed a bit of green stuff but that’s about it.

I think that once painted up they should look quite similar

Assembled Wolf PackAssembled Wolf Pack
The Good, the Bad and the Goblin The Good, the Bad and the Goblin

Lunch Break Builds

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I have resorted to making stuff in the car on my lunch break at work. It’s not ideal but better than nothing.

Random Beasties Random Beasties

Some scratch built beasties made of stuff off the floor and various bits of wire.

Something Different

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

Failing to find time to get anything done. I realised that I could get apps for video/ audio editing for my phone.

So I had a go at making a short atmospheric / scene setting Intro video for the RP campaign.

It’s heavily inspired by ‘Night of the Living Dead’ (1968). I just used still images of models that I had on my phone. Then made some random synthesiser noises…

I might make some creepy background music videos to add a bit of atmosphere while playing?


Kitbashing Humanoids 04

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Making painfully slow progress on the project.

Made up 4 sailors and an adventurer. Minimal changes made to these ones. Just some little bits and bobs from other sprues used.

The lightly armed sailors/ civilians should come in useful.

Possible Air Genasi player character?Possible Air Genasi player character?

They all need some cleaning up and filling before painting.

The plastic Frostgrave minis do have lots of annoying mould lines etc.

Kitbashing Humanoids 03

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Kitbashing Frostgrave & Wargames Atlantic plastic sprues. Trying to get a nice range of fantasy humanoids.

Swamp ShamanSwamp Shaman

Trying to make some creepy mutant folk that live in a swamp. I really like how the Dwarf heads look on the Orc bodies.


Dwarf Light Infantry Head

Orc Infantry Body

Modified orc banner arm

Gnoll empty handed arm

Female soldier cloak

Kitbashing Humanoids 02

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8

Kitbashing Frostgrave & Wargames Atlantic plastic sprues. Trying to get a nice range of fantasy humanoids.

Barbarian with jumbo hammerBarbarian with jumbo hammer

Just did a simple weapon swap for this one.

Frostgrave female Barbarian with a male Barbarian hammer.

Design inspired by Aila from High Rollers – Aerois D&D campaign.

Kitbashing Humanoids 01

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Kitbashing Frostgrave & Wargames Atlantic plastic sprues. Trying to get a nice range of fantasy humanoids.

Barbarian with jumbo choppaBarbarian with jumbo choppa

Frostgrave male Barbarian with 2 snake-men weapons stuck together.

I was mostly just trying to make a ridiculous weapon for this (Skyrim) barbarian….

I got a bit carried away buying stuff for the humanoids.

North Star – single spures:
Frostgrave Gnolls
Frostgrave Soldiers (male)
Frostgrave Soldiers II (female)
Frostgrave Barbarian (male)
Frostgrave Barbarians II (female)
Dwarf Light Infantry
Orc Infantry

Wargames Atlantic – boxes:
Halfling Militia
Goblin Warband

Playing with Speedpaints

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8

I’ve been struggling to find time to get anything done.  So I decided to get some Army Painter Speedpaints.

First I found some minis to experiment on.

Otherworld - Half Orc  Fighter/Cleric & GW - Aenur, Sword of TwilightOtherworld - Half Orc Fighter/Cleric & GW - Aenur, Sword of Twilight
  1. Primed Grey
  2.  Coat of black/grey speedpaint
  3. Drybrushed with white (cold grey white)
  4. Did some metallics
  5. Applied some speedpaints

I didn’t like the cold white under the speedpaints. I also needed to do lighter under painting for the flesh.

  1. Lightened up the skin
  2. Did warm pale yellow drybrushing
  3. Re applied the speedpaints
  4. Added some highlights on the orks fur

I think speedpaints could really help speed things up. Just need to get used to them first.

Different under painting can make a big difference Different under painting can make a big difference

Switching to Minis

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Well we finally found time to play the RPG with minis rather than Lego.

Staged image of the combat encounterStaged image of the combat encounter

A brief summary events.

The 3 brave Adventurers arrived on the Isle of Doom. They followed a treasure map to where X marked the spot. Just to find a strange old man in a hut. The old man sent them off to help some people that were trying to head up a nearby river.

While travelling through a forest on the way to the river they encountered some zombies.

Ni called for her spirt cat to construct into a solid form created from soil, stone & wood of the forest.

Delilah started attacking from range by squirting high powered milk from her teats. (Because that’s sometimes what people want there character to be able to do!?)

Jon ran away and hid behind a rock.

The zombies staggered into melee range with the Adventurers. Combat ensued and the zombies were hacked to pieces.

The Adventurers fled as more zombies appeared from the trees.

Ninja Ni - Delilah - Farmer JonNinja Ni - Delilah - Farmer Jon

Kitbashing Halflings 01

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

Life has been getting in the way of hobbie time lately. So progress on the project has been slow.

I did however buy myself some Halflings & Goblins from Wargames Atlantic.

The plan is to give weapons from the Goblins to the Halflings. The weapons supplied with the Halflings don’t really suit the small skirmish battles I need them for.

I chopped the Halflings right hand off at the sleeve and stuck the Goblins weapon hand on.

The Goblin hands are a bit bigger but not too bad. The swords are also a little big.

The shield arms were a little bit more difficult due to the Halfling left arm options. Although the shields are a really good size.

Zombie for scaleZombie for scale

Chicken Walker Legs

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

After a couple of failed attempts I was able to construct some legs.

Now with the main frame done it’s time to gap fill and add all the details.

Chicken Walker Legs

From Bits to Bike

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Using various bits I constructed the side saddle motorbike part of the walker. While trying to work out how to make the legs.

Surprisingly I couldn’t find an easy way to make complicated hydraulic style walker legs.

From Bits to Bike

From Clothes Pegs to Chicken Legs

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

Making stuff was always my favourite part of the hobbie. So I decided to make a side saddle motorbike chicken walker thing.

I made a modified excavator digger arm design for the legs. Then started off with a model, a clothes peg & a wall plug.

Just ended sticking bits together at this stage.

The old bits box was dugout the cellar. (My son had recently got the 40k Recruit box so I stole some necron parts.)

Dogs of War: Lucrezzia BelladonnaDogs of War: Lucrezzia Belladonna

From 80's to 90's

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 10
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After painting some 80’s minis I decided to paint some 90’s minis.

These ones were already painted so I just added to the old paint job.

These are another group of adventures for the campaign.

Warhammer Quest: Imperial Noble

Bretonnian: Morgiana Le Fay’s Frog

Bretonnian: Grail Damsel

From 80's to 90's

From New to Old

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments

I enjoyed buying and painting some new minis. Now it was time to fish out and paint up some old ones.

Oriental Heroes + Familiar (zombie for scale)Oriental Heroes + Familiar (zombie for scale)

From Rocks to Flocks

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9

Testing out how best to flock the scenery. I’ve never really done any flocking before but it seems simple enough.

I’ve made some small bits of scatter terrain. Just plywood discs, stones and tile grout.

Also flocking up a bit of MDF to use as a base.

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