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Space Station Zero

Space Station Zero

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Veteran Soldier Lennoxi

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I needed to find a way of making Lennoxi different to her fellow soldiers. I chose to give her an Ablative Shield in game so I figured that a Primarus backpack would be a big enough visual difference without having to repaint and bolt on extra kit to establish her as a veteran some other way.I needed to find a way of making Lennoxi different to her fellow soldiers. I chose to give her an Ablative Shield in game so I figured that a Primarus backpack would be a big enough visual difference without having to repaint and bolt on extra kit to establish her as a veteran some other way.
The blue glow in the vents are meant to suggest a shield generator of some kind, painted with some white and Nightgloom blue.The blue glow in the vents are meant to suggest a shield generator of some kind, painted with some white and Nightgloom blue.

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