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CRC's Crazy Compendium 2; Eclectic Boogaloo

CRC's Crazy Compendium 2; Eclectic Boogaloo

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Back to doing hobby rather than schoolwork!

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3

Been a while… I spent the summer on the Canadian Shield doing fieldwork…so no hobby got done until I was back. Haven’t been focusing too much on the forums because I’m just getting generally distracted by everything, but I’ve gotten some painting done. I’ve even played a few games, too! So here’s the latest that I’ve gotten done; a Firestrike Servo-Turret and an Eliminator Sergeant (the rest of the squad is sort of half done…). The Techmarine has his ‘Mars markings’ picked out in Khorne Red (GW) where the 3rd Coy. markings are picked out in Mephiston Red (GW) to differentiate the two colours. I think it works ok. The Eliminators are something a bit different as I ‘camo’ed’ their armour as well with a nod to the camo patterns of old Rogue Trader era, but still holding to the colours of modern 40k. I’m pretty pleased with how he turned out…though the decals caused me enough problems that I ordered some Microset and sol so I don’t have to find other ways around the decal problem…

Techmarine Laius on his big gun 'Bombardus'. Faux Latin is fun, and he's also called Laius because the snap-fit kits from GW are not even close to easy to build...I ended up clipping off most of the pins...Techmarine Laius on his big gun 'Bombardus'. Faux Latin is fun, and he's also called Laius because the snap-fit kits from GW are not even close to easy to build...I ended up clipping off most of the pins...
Very pleased with the camo on this guys. The decal on the shoulder is a bit patchy...but not bad considering it torn into about 3 pieces while trying to apply it...Very pleased with the camo on this guys. The decal on the shoulder is a bit patchy...but not bad considering it torn into about 3 pieces while trying to apply it...

Still got 2 more Eliminators to finish up, and 20 Tommies so I can have a full platoon painted ready to actually game with… Not sure how regular updates will be happening, but we’ll see.

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crazyredcoatzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic work on your Ultramarine unit’s @crazyredcoat their stunning figures.

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