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Cult of Games Member

Warlord HAS gotten a bit expensive over the past year, not sure if it’s due to the costs of all the materials going up or if it’s due to having to pay bigger rent on their new warehouse/office.

But what’s worse is the sculpting has got definitely worse as well (so now you are paying more for “bad” miniatures). When you compare their metal sculpts for the 28mm late winter war Germans to what they are currently putting out (did you see the awful Chinese Cav for the Korean War they put out last week?), you would swear it was from differing companies.

I’m afraid with Warlords increased pricing, I’m not buying anything from them (I WAS tempted with the epic ACW stuff, even although it’s in a weird scale that “locks” you in to only buying from Warlord). I would perhaps be tempted with some WW2 stuff at the current prices (in metal), BUT only if they get a handle on the sculpting and restart putting out good minis again 🙁

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