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The Emerald Court Under Heaven

The Emerald Court Under Heaven

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Published under heavenly decree

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Seeing that Indians got attention before as a force I now see the Joseon Dynasty gets a release from Zenit. I love the sculpts and think that its a painful toss up between them and the Perry figures. On this most auspicious of larks, not foretold by Heaven, I’ll reach out the the Perry’s regarding Saga sized forces and maybe an addition to their ranks of metal finery.

I must be on a role for selecting factions of interest and think that I will publish this backburner project as an addendum to the UHH lineup and all those who have half baked notions of doing things that seem pretty cool.

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2022-10-04 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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