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Sláine: Kiss My Paintbrush!

Sláine: Kiss My Paintbrush!

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Cauldron of Blood

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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The Cauldron of Plenty provides for the Earth Tribes during times of peace.  In times of war it becomes the means to return the dead to battle, as the Cauldron of Blood it transforms the fallen into the Reborn.

Paintwork started with Malignant Green faded down with some Holy White on the skin.  Orkc Skin on the magical vapours which was highlighted with Model Colour Yellow Fluro.  The cauldron itself started with the basic bronze blend I used on the Fomorians of Palid Bone, Dark Wood and Speedpaint Medium. Verdigis finish was provided by Nihilakh Oxide Citadel Technical paint with the upper surfaces wiped back slightly to reveal some of the bronze tone.

The sculpting detail on the cauldron surface is amazing.  I hope the paintwork does it justice.

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Cult of Games Member

Now I need to rewatch “The black cauldron” XD

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