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A drink Mr. Bond?

A drink Mr. Bond?

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Cognac with Ms. Fidelity Reese

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Work at presentWork at present

I started on this quite some time ago as I put in an order for Brother Vinni’s KS for bunnygirls. I hadn’t bought initially on the reclining bunnygirl so I grabbed a copy in resin afterwards. I thought that a bearskin rug and some alcohol service were mandatory for the overall motif so greenstuff work and some stone texture were created.

I snipped off the left hand as I believe an upheld glass is required. Some Das clay will fix this and an order just made with Greenstuff World for clear resin. Oriskany will get his wish of me actually doing this. Tim and Gerry will be pleased that I have a non private project…. this is Friend’s Only for the moment.

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