Silver Sea Dogs
Aztecs and Amazonian Natives plus Mythology 2
- Again I had one of Drr’! moments , which came it tow Drr’!s when it came to the Mythology for game and how to do a revised beastery list.
- Initially I planned to use the Ghost Archipelago beastery list revised,for Meso-America and use models from my old Mage Knight Collection and use the closest looking to fit the bill. Here I had my 1st Drr! moment after I began sorting out possible suitable figures
- it was then it hit, me , I’m doing a new Beastery and resulting encounter table so why not make both match the figure I had rather than than the other way round.
So as can be seen above I began sorting out the various figures into sections using those trays for themes of monster for the Beastery and table. I had begun a table but was struggling on how to adapt it and what beasts to put in it but, with above done should be able to begin re-writing it. I originally planned to make it a mix of historical and mythical , and had been thinking of changing it to 2d10 rather than the 1d2o to put in the the bell curve which Silver Bayonet uses, which is why I have picked them as a basis over Frost or Stargrave. It was here I had the 2nd Drr! moment :
- It crossed my mind that anyone who might be interested in this idea may have been put off by the Fantasy Element , historical Grog nards you know who you are, and may wish to use it for a more historically themed/40’s cinematic game. I will at some point be doing some scenarios and certainly the 1st few intro ones will be historical to help players get used to the revised stats and mechanics
So I know plan to do do encounter tables h & m , for those who want to stay historical just use h;
- Anyone else will roll die for encounters any die will do, evens use historical table ,odd (aptly) use the mythical table.
1st Aztecs
In the meanwhile on the historical front I have been working on my 1st group of Aztecs , I started with the basic semi naked natives 1st , as these can be used as native guides for the Spaniards .
Now I did a test figure and did a series of rooky mistakes:
I firstly didnt mix/shake the proposed skin shade bottle , GW contrast Fireslayer Flesh so it dried Gloss , Although I do varnish matt later find gloss makes it more difficult to see detail.
Secondly I didnt thin it out and it came out a bit darker than I want (though may use it as is for Ghost Archipelago native figures later)
There was an upside though, post matt varnishing the figure to see how it looked found that Army Painter Tanned Flesh works well to lighten tone down .
Anyway here is the finished figure not bad in the end :
With the next figure I initally tried a 50/50 Fireslayer Flesh contrast to water and found it a bit light, and had to build up layers to get it the tone I wanted, it didnt particulalry matter if it didnt match the 1st test figure as people come in different skin tones within the same ethnic group in reality .
Decided post above to try a two thirds contrast to water and it gave the finish I wanted so that is how last 3 figures in batch were done, and am quite happy with the results.
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