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Returning to The Borderlands - Behind the Scenes

Returning to The Borderlands - Behind the Scenes

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Quite simply, this is a shadow project to my “Returning to The Borderlands” one, found here. It is meant to be like the Doctor Who backstage TV shows. I’d like to use it to show what goes on behind the crafting curtain as I blunder through my Five Leagues campaign.

In it, I’d like to explain why I made the choices I did (both on and off the table) and what I think I could have done better or differently. This should allow me to keep the main project very much focused on the narrative side of the campaign and have all of the immersion-breaking stuff here. That way, anyone who just wants to see a Five Leagues from The Borderlands campaign played out in battle reports can follow the main project, while folks that are more into minis, scenery and rules/gameplay can follow along here. If you’re a masochist, feel free to follow both!

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Cult of Games Member

Nice, going to follow both projects, so I must be a masochist then ?

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